2016年11月1日,世界EAP大会在芝加哥开幕当天,EAPA首席执行官格里高利·德莱普先生向中石油代表 - 国际事业部HSE张军处长颁奖。德莱普先生向来自世界各国的EAP行业领导者和专业人员介绍了中石油的EAP项目及获奖原因。德莱普先生指出中石油的海外员工EAP项目覆盖2万多名工作在世界各地的员工及家属。这些员工大多工作在自然和社会条件艰苦的地区,包括非洲、中亚、中东、拉丁美洲等地区,因此特别需要身心健康方面的支持和关爱。德莱普先生特别指出,在评奖过程中他阅读了中石油2015年《公司年报》全文,欣喜地发现年报中两次提到公司EAP项目,强调及重要性及价值。德莱普先生认为这一举动表明中石油的最高领导层认可并重视EAP对于员工及家属身心健康的重要作用,他对中石油领导层的国际视野和富有前瞻性的管理理念表示钦佩,同时也赞扬了盛心阳光作为供应商持续八年为项目的不断改善做出的卓越贡献。张军处长代表中石油发表了获奖感言。他首先感谢EAPA通过世界EAP大会为全球的EAP用户和供应商提供了交流经验,分享知识的平台,感谢EAPA给予中石油EAP项目的高度评价和认可,同时感谢盛心阳光心理专家的辛勤工作和不断创新,特别是感谢专家们自2010年以来数十次前往苏丹、乍得、伊拉克、伊朗等艰苦地区为现场的中石油员工提供心理服务。张军处长指出获得EAPA最佳质量奖是中石油和盛心阳光共同努力的结果。
Greetings from the Employee Assistance Program Professionals Association in Arlington Virginia, the United States.IamGregDelapp, the CEO of the EAP Association. This organization is the world’s largest and oldest membership organization of professionals working in the Employee Assistance field, with members across 40 countries around the globe. Thank you for allowing me into your meeting today briefly.
As you are participating in the 11th International Forum on Corporate Psychological Services in China, and through the good efforts of Chestnut Global Partners in China, your meeting provides me with an excellent venue to announce the recipient of our2016 EAP Quality Award. That award this year is going to China National Petroleum Corporation. CNPC employees and collectives have won many awards at home in China and around the globe. CNPC can now add to that achievement with the EAP Quality Award for 2016.
Let me tell you a little about the award. The honor goes to an EAP program that demonstrates adherence to the EAPA association standards and guidelines for employee assistance programs, and includes an exemplarycontinuous improvement component focusing on quality. CNPC clearly adheres to these requirements. It adheres to the standards and guidelines put forward by the EAP Association. They include logical, comprehensive, organized and appropriate quality improvement strategies and activities built into the program. They provide examples of creative and effective strategies to meet both the needs of the employers and the employees.
There is something unique in the offering this year. And that is something that I drew from the 2005 Annual Report of CNPC, where there is astated goal in achieving excellence to innovation and integrity. That applied innovation and that applied integrity match up well with the EAPA quality award. This is a good match. The 2016 was decided by our award committee in an unanimous vote. It was unanimous, no question. This is the program, this is the year, this is the award to be given.
The committee was particularly impressed with the China National Petroleum Corporations Overseas Employee Assistance Program, in where it expands to cover over 20,000 employees working in Africa, the middle east, central Asia, Latin America and more, as well as spouses and children covered. The program includes a mental health hotline, the first of its kind in China’s oil and gas industry. It includes routine mental health and workplace adjustment assessments for employees and families, on-site training and counseling and crisis intervention, as well as special care for overseas employees’ families with the comprehensive self-help and referral website. These are great program innovations.
The program also trains site and project managers, health safety and environmental staff on mental health in China and in the United States. I also want to point out something in particular; it’s a real note, that the CNPC employee Assistance Program, and through the work with Chestnut Global Partners China has taken on the challenging area of suicide prevention. This is a far-reaching public health, medical and societal issue both here in the united States and in China. The program has successfully prevented at least 25 suicidal attempts. I compliment CNPC for being proactive and Chestnut Global Partners China for being proactive as well in supplying the services to help intervene in this vitally important area.
This is a particular note: suicide intervention. Between 2010 and 2015, 32 employee assistance professionals from Chestnut Global Partners China have gone throughout Africa, Central Asia, Middle East and Latin America, working with training, contacts with employees of CNPC ,4600 of those employees. China National Petroleum Corporation’s Employee Assistance Program Efforts are exemplary, and deserving and very worthy of the international recognition that will come by way of the EAP Quality Award. Through their efforts CNPC families and employees have taken a big step. The employer, family and employee, healthier employees, healthier families, safer and a more productive workplace come by a program like this.
On November 1st, just a few weeks from now, The EAP Association will be honored to welcome the China National Petroleum Corporation representatives to Chicago, Illinois, USA, to our World EAP conference. It will be an honor for me to present this award to CNPC representatives. Congratulations to China National Petroleum Corporation. Look forward to seeing you in Chicago. Thank you, and have a good meeting.
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Room 1818, Tower B, Bright China Chang An Building, No.7 Jian